Every now and then I get asked how I like my Gammill Statler Longarm machines (I now have two of them). I will say that I considered several different machines and there are no doubt several good ones out there. I wanted a machine with a proven record of long term reliability. A workhorse industrial type machine. I also wanted something that could be computer driven and robotic. It will certainly do hand guided stitching but the computer software is awesome. I wanted to be able to work on anything up to 120 inches wide. I also wanted really good technical support and service if needed. A Gammill Statler checked all the boxes for me. I am very happy with my decision. So much so that in 2021 I decided to buy a second machine. Since owning these machines I have come to realize that there is an entire family of Gammill owners across America that will help you in an instant if you are having a problem with software, mechanical issues, or anything to do with quilting. I have been told that Missouri Star has at least 16 Gammill Statler Machines. I figure there is a good reason for that.
Happy Quilting!

My two Gammill Statler Longarm Machines resting after a long day