This is a very unique "Texas" quilt that my bestie friend Sheila made and I finished quilting for her (see pictures below). The cool thing about this quilt is it has various "Texas" words or phrases embroidered on the blocks. Some of the phrases are:
"Fixin' To" "Bluebonnets" "Lone Star" "Dallas Cowboys" "Don't Mess With Texas" "Hotter 'N Hell" "George Strait" "Deep In The Heart Of Texas" "Alamo" "Blue Bell" "Whataburger" "Wrangler" "Bless Your Heart"
It's a very unique quilt. I simply stitched in the ditch because we did not want to put a quilting pattern over the top of the embroidery work. I think it came out great!
Now I'm "Fixin' To" go get something to eat because it is not "Hotter 'N Hell" "Deep In The Heart Of Texas" today because it is Valentine's Day and it is snowing with a temperature around 20 degrees. Even so I might have a "Whataburger" and some "Blue Bell" ice cream. Y'all stay warm and "Bless Your Hearts".

Front Of The Texas Quilt

Close-up of the embroidery work

Here I am "Stitching In The Ditch"